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Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Hemoglobin (HB)

Hemoglobin is a substance inside red blood cells that function to transport oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, other than that which gives the red color of red blood cells. Hemoglobin consists of four molecules of iron (heme), two molecules of alpha globin chains and two beta globin chains of molecules. Alpha and beta globin chains is a protein whose production is encoded by alpha and beta globin genes. Each of the properties and physical function in our body are controlled by genes, which worked from the time the embryo. Genes present in every cell of our bodies. Each of the genes come in pairs. One split genes derived from the mother, and the other from the father. Among the many genes in our bodies, there are a pair of genes that control the formation of hemoglobin in each red blood cell. Globin gene is called gene. These genes contained in chromosomes (Adji, 2005).
Synthesis of hemoglobin (Hb) starting from proeritroblas and then continued a bit in the reticulocyte stage, because when reticulocyte leave the bone marrow and into the bloodstream, the reticulocyte hemoglobin remained formed a little over the next few days (Setiawan, 1997).
Haematological changes in connection with pregnancy is due to changes in circulation which increased towards the placenta from the breast growth. Plasma volume increased 45-65% starting in the second trimester of pregnancy, and the maximum occurs in the ninth month and rising about 1,000 ml, decreased slightly ahead of aterm and returned to normal 3 months after parturition. Stimulation increases the volume of plasma such as placental lactogen, which causes increased secretion aldesteron.
Maternal blood volume in pregnancy increases the physiological with the melting of the mother's blood, called hidremia. Blood volume will increase, approximately 25%, with a peak of 32 weeks' gestation, followed by cardiac output rises by about 30%. Due hemodilasi, which began clearly arises in pregnancy 16 weeks, women who have heart disease can fall in a state of cardiac decompensation (Wiknjosastro, 2002).
One cause of decline in Hb in pregnant women can also be caused by increased blood plasma which is the process of blood dilution (Saraswati, 2008).
One function of hemoglobin in the blood is to maintain health conditions. Normal hemoglobin levels are likely to resistance will allow a person to have in concentrating on something (Surya, 2008).
Hemoglobin production is usually defined as the amount of hemoglobin in grams (gm) for each dekaliter 200 milliliters. The production of normal hemoglobin depends on age, one's early teens. Production of low hemoglobin is a condition that was identified as anemic. There is some validity because the anemic state. Usually the main cause of blood loss (injury, surgery, bleeding colon kanser), vitamin deficiencies (iron, vitamin B 12 and folic acid), bone marrow problems (replacement of bone marrow by blood, burial by ambulatory surgical chemotherapy, the failure of the kidneys (renal) , and abnormal hemoglobin (sickle cell anemia) (Pramudia, 2006).

By: Y. Pramudia R.

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